Physics Students Attend Visiting Lancaster University Lecturer’s Seminar

Attending the Sixth Form Bolton, Dr David Burton (Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University with a specialism in Theoretical Physics) delivered a two-part seminar to our first year A-level Physics students.

Dr Burton discussed the value of studying Physics and the different courses run by Lancaster university. Students were told about the most sought-after careers from Physicists in the modern world, identifying the top 10 in-demand career fields. The students then asked a number of questions some of which were; which textbooks and resources are used, how is Space Physics different from Cosmology, could Quantum Physics be studied on an Astrophysics course, as well as if  third-year international programs are run and how are they financed. Dr Burton then moved on the second part of the lecture by discussing Special Relativity and posing several paradox questions. Impressively our first years acquitted themselves admirably, attempting to logically work through the complex questions and present an answer to solve these paradoxes. 

The lecture ended with a round of applause for Dr Burton – clearly, they found it useful. Hopefully, Lancaster University will pay us a visit again next year and the testimonials of our students are a good indication that they did indeed enjoy the talk:

“I really enjoyed it, it was proper nerdy…in a good way. I thought the theoretical cosmology was good,” 

Courtney Lennon

The interactive stuff was good and we learnt about stuff we haven’t learnt in college yet” 

Rosie Simpson

“It was informative about school life in Lancaster and what the course had to offer in terms of international education and resources” 

Wareh Salleh

“Generally speaking, I found it quite insightful,”

 Quinlan Knight

“It was good and interactive,” 

Elliot Whittle

“It was a fantastic opportunity! This talk gave our students an important insight into life studying Physics at University, the difference between studying pure Physics, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Physics with Mathematics and Astrophysics, as well as looking into studying Physics abroad in places like America or Singapore.” 

Event organiser and Physics Teacher, Callum Johnson 

Thank you so much to Dr Burton, Dr Boella and Mr K Wadsworth from Lancaster university for making this happen as well as our own careers team for aiding and facilitating this exceptional event.

Find out more about studying A Level Physics here

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