Women Into Leadership Group visit Liverpool for cultural and educational trip

Last week, the B6 Women into Leadership group visited Liverpool for a cultural and educational trip.

Our Women into Leadership programme has been designed to support our female students to understand the landscape of the workplace, to be ambitious for themselves and each other, to try to change those legacy cultures for those of next generations and to genuinely lead for change. As part of the programme, the group have attended many wonderful sessions delivered by inspiring speakers including Leigh Vallance, CEO of Bolton Hospice; Councillor Linda Thomas, former Mayor and Yasmin Qureshi, the Labour MP for Bolton South East and the first woman Muslim MP.

They have also been given some fantastic opportunities to work with prestigious companies including Northstone, part of Peel Holdings; PwC and Microsoft.

In the final event of the year, the group visited Liverpool where they went to the University of Liverpool. They began the day with an interesting HE Presentation by a Recruitment Officer.

Professor Kathy Burrell BA (Hons), MA, PhD, Professor of Migration Geographies then spoke to the group about her experience of being a women leader. She advised that empathy, pragmatism, confidence and being organised are key qualities for effective women leaders. The group were then taken on a campus tour by a current student which included a lunch break at the Students’ Guild.

Following their lunch, the group then enjoyed a Student Life presentation delivered by current students where they were advised to choose a subject that they love.

Our students then walked to the beautiful Albert Docks where they enjoyed looking around the Tate Liverpool and exploring the area.

It was a fantastic day and one that we hope the students will remember for years to come. 

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