Do you want to study an A Level that will stretch your mind, introduce you to great thinkers and give you a qualification respected throughout higher education? Do you enjoy debating the big issues such as whether God exists? This course is for students who value the opportunity to explore issues concerning human life and existence.
Students studying three A Levels will be expected to have a minimum of two GCSEs at grade 6 and three GCSEs at grade 5/4, including English Language and Mathematics at grade 5/4 or above. Or eight GCSEs at a minimum of grade 5.
Topics you will study include:
• Philosophy of Religion
• Religious Ethics
• Christian Thinking
You will be required to study six units, three in the first year and three in the second. These modules include:
Ethics: This unit includes the study of ethical theories such as utilitarianism and situation ethics and their attitude towards the nature and value of human life. You will be required to apply the theories to moral issues such as euthanasia and sexuality.
Philosophy: You will study the various arguments for the existence of God and the issues surrounding the problem of evil and human suffering. In addition to this, you will explore religious experiences and the Ancient Greek ideas on religion.
Christianity: You will study the key concepts within the development of Christian thought such as the person of Jesus. You will explore religious beliefs, values and teachings, their inter-connections, how they have developed historically and how they are presently.
This course is assessed by three external examinations. Each paper contains four questions, of which students choose three.
Exam Board: OCR
Many students take part in charity work and volunteer at hospices and community centres. The ability to write well is expected at A Level and students often involve themselves in the literacy activities within The Sixth Form. Students are expected to complete a one-week work placement in the Summer term.
This course is regarded as a highly academic subject and is well respected by employers and universities alike. We have excellent links with prestigious universities and progression rates to higher education are high. Give your university applications the competitive edge and develop the thinking skills for the 21st Century.
The department is committed to facilitating your learning in an enthusiastic and supportive manner. We offer additional support and an enrichment programme, as well as having many excellent e-learning resources to aid your progression through the subject content.
Students who have a qualification in Religion, Ethics and Philosophy can move into any profession as the skills that you will develop in analysis and argument are transferable and are valuable in a range of careers. Many students progress into careers within the civil service, teaching, journalism, nursing and law.
Students must follow the news as we will use current issues to bring our studies to life. Issues such as poverty, feminism, abortion, euthanasia are used within lessons and it is expected that students will be able to bring current issues and debates surrounding these areas into their essays. There is an important focus on literacy. Students will be encouraged to read widely around the course and to develop the skills of academic writing. Arguing to a conclusion is a requirement and will be taught alongside the course specification.
A Level – Psychology, Religion, Ethics & Philosophy and Sociology
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