Avani Ajay

Avani completed an industry placement at Think EQ, an integrated branding and web design agency, as part of her Information Technology course as well as being a member of the B6 Apprenticeship Academy.

After achieving D*D*D in Vocational Information Technology, Avani secured a Degree Apprenticeship at CDL, a software developer for high volume retail insurance companies. Her Degree Apprenticeship involves working as a User Experience Design (UX Design) Apprentice alongside studying for a degree at Manchester Metropolitan University.


Triple Vocational Information Technology

Previous School

Sharples School

B6 Class of


Life after B6

Degree Apprenticeship in User Experience Design

"I would highly recommend students to talk to a lot of people and use all the resources that are available to you. One thing I loved about The Sixth Form is that the teachers are all very friendly and supportive, they help you with everything and is always there for you. I received lots of help and support from the Careers Team. They helped me find a placement at a Creative Digital Agency where I gained experience in both Design and Development, that has helped me to secure my Degree Apprenticeship."
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