Mollie Turner’s winning entry
Earlier in the year, a new competition was launched for 16-18 year old’s aimed at introducing them to the careers and working practices of the creative industries. To deliver this UClan’s Creative Advertising degree course partnered with one of the country’s newest and exciting creative agencies – 21GRAMS, who devised a competition brief specifically for Level 3 students that helped them to demonstrate how their creative skills – whether they be design, illustration, writing or production – can really make a difference in the world.
The brief was for students to create a piece of communication that would make them stand out. They were prompted to:
‘Think about what makes you, you. Whether it be your likes, skills, hobbies, heritage. This can then be used in your CV, website or creative portfolio to not only help you stand out but to give future employers a snapshot into who you are’.
Everyone at B6 was delighted to find that five of our fantastic Graphic Design students had been selected as winners.
Mollie Turner, a former St Ambrose Barlow RC High School student was awarded first prize and won £220 in Amazon vouchers.
Zeinab Hussain’s entry
Zeinab Hussain, a former Smithills School student took joint second place and won £70 in Amazon vouchers.
Sumayyah Hariff, a former Essa Academy student also took joint second place and won £70 in Amazon vouchers.
From Sumayyah Harrif’s entry
Cassy Lo’s work was highly commended along with Joey Bannister and Selma Hijazi ‘s and they each won £40 Amazon vouchers.
Cassey Lo’s entry
Everyone at B6 is delighted that our students have been so successful in this competition and would like to thank everyone at UCLan and 21GRAMS who worked on this fantastic initiative.
Find out more about A Level Graphic Design here.
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