B6 Students Take Part in Live Dissection Experience

Over fifty first-year students became ‘surgeons for the day’ in February. The Applied Science, Biology, Chemistry, Health & Social Care, Physics and Sports students came into B6, in their half term break, to take part in the amazing Anatomy Lab

The Anatomy Lab is an award-winning experience that showcases real anatomy. The experience took students inside all of the main anatomical structures to see, touch and feel the real organ specimens. Lead by award-winning human anatomist and qualified teacher, Sam Piri, the session packed rigorously academic content into a hands-on practical enquiry-based learning experience where the students were able to apply, analyse and evaluate aspects of anatomy, physiology & disease all related to core concepts within their subject areas’ specifications.

The sessions that the students took part in were:

  • Session 1 | Procedural Approach- The anatomical position, technical dissection skill, organs, tissues & cells

  • Session 2 | Head & Neck- Full cranial cavity dissection, brain, meninges & spinal cord

  • Session 3 | The Thorax- Larynx, trachea, heart & mediastinum, lungs & diaphragm 

  • Session 4 | The Abdomen- Oesophagus, stomach, liver & gall bladder, intestines, colon, & rectum

​First-year A Level Biology, Chemistry and Psychology student, Kaif Shukla was really positive about the session and said:

” It was a great hands-on experience and I really enjoyed it and found it very beneficial for learning the basics of surgery which I found fascinating. I would recommend it to anyone  and I am very fortunate to be able to have been a part of it.”

Find out more about our courses here

Live autopsy coach
Students performing dissection
Students performing dissection
Students performing dissection
Students performing dissection
Students watching presenter perform dissection
Students watching presenter perform dissection
Students performing dissection
Students watching presenter perform dissection

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