B6 Students’ Artwork Installed at Peel L&P

Congratulations to Hamaad, Gina, Katie-Leigh, Tamara, Zahra and Zakiyah! Last year they were set a live brief by Peel L&P for a piece of artwork to adorn the reception wall at their new office at MediaCity, Salford. The students, with their teacher, Rob Coyle, went to the offices to see their artwork installed. It looks absolutely fabulous and the Directors and other staff thanked them all for the work they have done.

The history of Peel L&P stems back to the building of the Manchester Ship Canal and their archives full of important documents and artefacts from this time. The company wanted to acknowledge their historical links to the canal and the fact that their new offices are based in the place where their company began. The Sixth Form students were tasked with creating a piece of artwork to celebrate Peel’s history and to also incorporate some of their archived material. At the start of the brief, students met with Peel’s archivist who was able to show newspaper articles, leaflets, design plans, maps and images of the Navvies who were working on the building of the canal. The Sixth Form students did an excellent job of combining these images of the past with images of the present and what Peel stands for today. This piece of artwork now sits proudly in the reception area of Peel’s new offices at media city and will eventually become part of their archives too, so that it can be appreciated by future generations of Peel employees and archivists.

Teacher of Art, Rob Coyle said 

“The second-year learners on Level 3 UAL (University Arts London) Art & Design were invited for the unveiling of their work at Peel L&P offices at MediaCity, Salford. The work was produced as part of their work experience last year. The learners worked collaboratively over a number of weeks, creating a series of studies, collages and textile pieces. Their work was then refined, to showcase their individual skills. The best aspects from these pieces were then brought together, by the learners, to produce the large-scale digital collage that showcases the history and importance of the Manchester Ship Canal.  This was a fantastic opportunity for the students provided by the B6 Careers Team. The students gained great experience of real working practices, as well as the prestige of such a large piece in a very important location. All at Peel L&P were really impressed, with the managing director coming to speak to the learners too. Members of staff from the college also attended to support the students in their success, which the learners were appreciative of too.”

Phil Wilson and Stephen Wild, Executive Directors at Peel L&P commended the students by saying

We have been blown away by the creativity and talent of The Sixth Form Bolton’s students. The piece of art the students have created, captures how unique MediaCity is as a location and that it is a place that celebrates its history, heritage and community. The creative use and blending of different artistic techniques and skills is very symbolic of MediaCity as a destination that brings together so many creatives, innovators, and disruptors. We are very proud to have the piece on display in our office for every visitor to see, admire and feel inspired by.”

Thank you to the students and B6 staff: Rob Coyle, Emily Dover, Michelle Pennington, Gillian Robertshaw  and Jill Whitham who all facilitated this wonderful project.

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